As a leader, I feel like I learn something new about myself every year.
I constantly look for ways I can be a better leader and team member—from how I teach and coach to how I interact with colleagues.
Some people believe that being a leader means that you have it all figured out, but that’s not true. Instead, you should always be learning and growing.
In my time coaching and training team leaders, I’ve noticed that most haven’t thought about how leadership might challenge them on both professional AND personal levels. People think leading a team is all about other people, but it’s really all about you.
I know that feels selfish, but I’ve never seen a company’s growth outpace the personal growth of its leaders.
Take time to deliberately reflect on the decisions you make. Consult with someone you trust—a colleague, a mentor, a coach—and ask them to point out the blind spots in your thinking.
In the beginning, you’ll feel a strong urge to have your hand in every part of the business. But as your company grows, that’s just not sustainable.
You must decide which hats you’re going to wear and which ones you’re going to delegate. The hats you choose should depend on the skills, wants, and needs of the team as a whole.
At first, you’ll find yourself putting in long hours and late nights equipping other team members with the skills to be successful. You’re going to fail, too—it’s just part of the gig.
But if you put in the work up front to support your team and recover from those failures, eventually, you’ll empower them to make the right decisions on their own.
Remember: Being responsible for others will undoubtedly bring up emotions in you. Pay attention to what’s being triggered—positive and negative—and commit to tending to it.